This year in youth group, we have been focusing on different topics that are necessary as Christians (we're on our second topic now!). The first topic we focused on was prayer and now we are transitioning into service. We had Miss Ann come speak to us on serving and I wanted to share the main three points of her seminar.
The three main points were:
- Serving = devotion (relationship with Jesus)
- Authentic Christian life must involve a lifestyle of serving
- When we serve others, we are whispering with ours cations "you are worthy to be loved." (Serving can be picking up trash at church, washing the dishes for your family, cleaning the bathroom, etc.)
Before we can give to others, we must first receive what God has in store for us. If I try to give without first receiving the love from our Father, I find myself running low on love, patience, and joy. I am learning that it is important to guard my relationship and time with God. Before I can help others, I must be secure in my relationship with Jesus. I also saw this quote a few weeks ago and it was a good reminder for me - "You can do anything, but you can't do everything."
Overall, I thought her seminar was really encouraging as she shared the joys and struggles of serving! I hope this encourages you to keep serving the Lord in all that you do. If you don't know how to serve others, ask God and he will definitely show you the ways you can serve others. (: