Wednesday, March 16, 2016

The Limitless God

"I can't."

I realized that although I may not verbally communicate these two words with others, this belief can (sometimes) be found in my language, actions, and reactions.

There was a study done by Carol Dweck on mindsets - growth mindset versus fixed mindsets. Many people have fixed mindsets - meaning they believe that they are born with a set amount of intelligence and no matter what they do or how hard they try, it's not going to change. However, people with growth mindset believe that their intelligence keeps growing as they struggle and persevere through difficulties (as their neurons keep making more connections). I find her study to be super interesting! Lately, I've been reflecting on my life and I do see the times that I struggled, grew, and learned, but at the same time, I see the times that I limited myself and said "oh, I can't do that," "that's too hard," etc. (things along these lines) or thinking that other people were just smarter than me. Whenever I thought I couldn't do something, I would give up even before I tried harder to learn or improve. Or if I did try, I would try, but give up once things became difficult. But whenever I believed that I could eventually do it or just wanted to learn, no matter how hard it was, I would keep trying to learn and persevere. There's a stark contrast!

Looking back at these short twenty-one years of my life, God has lead me to places I've never imagined that I would ever go to and do things that I would have never imagined myself doing (going to Mexico and Uganda, taking family photos, giving messages, etc). I realized that when we place limits on ourselves and others, we may hinder their growth from becoming who God created them to be. At the same time, there are times you have to give up dreaming hopelessly about something that is not going to happen (but that is up to your discernment). So if you want to do something and learn something new, why not? I suppose because it takes effort, perseverance, motivation, and most importantly, a willingness to learn. I think we often see the polished version of others' success and we don't see the grind and all the hard work behind everything they've done. But really, if you want to learn, why not? I've been studying wedding photographers - and I wonder why some businesses keep growing while others plateau and kind of dwindle away. I realized that people who are successful are always willing to improve, and learn (from mistakes and from others). If something doesn't work, they don't keep doing it. They are willing try new things and if it works better, they adopt it as part of their business and workflow. However, there are photographers who are stuck in their ways and they don't seek to improve. They settle. They don't seek to keep learning.

So lately I've been learning that God is not the God of limits. Pause and just think about this: he created us for eternity. How crazy is that in itself? But whenever we face difficulties and struggles, we believe Satan's lies that we can't, that we're not good enough, or that we're not capable, and we give up. Let's dream big. Let's have a vision for our future and for each other. Let's persevere. As we persevere and push for more, there will be breakthroughs. As Christians, we reflect and glorify God. Whatever you do - be the best version of yourself. Be humble. Be willing to learn from your mistakes and from others. However, I believe there's a point where we have to lay down everything down before God - the good and the bad - all of our fears and dreams. Sometimes we have to fully surrender our dreams to God and let them die, but God can bring the dead to life. When he does bring the dream back and bring forth the dream to life, it will be even more beautiful than we imagined them to be.

Here's a super encouraging video that I recommend watching:

"I can do all things through Christ"

Monday, March 7, 2016


"Trust in the LORD with all your heart
and lean not on your own understanding;
in all your ways submit to him,
and he will make your paths straight."
Proverbs 3:5-6

It's a struggle. I remember many years ago, Paul (my youth group teacher) asked me how I was doing and I expressed my frustration on how hard it was to trust God - to let go and fully trust Him with my life. And I remember him kind of chuckling and replying that it doesn't get easier as you get older. Looking back, I see what he meant. Trusting God is not a one time thing. Rather, it's a conscious decision I must make every day to trust Him and submit all my ways to Him. Although I know that God is good and has the best plans for me, it's a struggle - to trust him with all my heart. There's a battle in my heart - a part of my heart seeks safety, comfort in what I know, whatever is "easier" to do. But the enemy is a liar. Although he promises safety, comfort, wealth, etc., once you obtain these things, you will be left empty, wanting more. As I surrender and submit to my God, the good good Father, I know that he will "make my paths straight." As I surrender and submit to my God, I experience the greatest joy and freedom. Although the road I am traveling on is uncertain, I trust Him. He's been so faithful to me and I know He will continue to be faithful. 

This weekend was so exciting! During youth group, we watched the movie titled Furious Love and then we went treasure hunting at Beltway Plaza. To be honest, it is usually really nerve-wracking to go up to people and ask if we can pray for them. I usually kind of check the time often and see if it's time to go back. But this Saturday it was really fun! After watching the movie, I was encouraged to go out boldly. As children of God, we also walk in the same spirit that Jesus walked with. No demon or spirit has a chance against the spirit of God. My group was Susan, Yoojin, and me. We took turns asking people if they wanted prayer and saw God move over and over again. Although we met many people, the two incidents that touched my heart was at Target (the best place to be, jk :)). As Aug asked - "where does God want us to go?" The first thought that came to my mind was "Target," but I thought it might be just because I really like Target. As soon as we walked in, we saw an older man wearing a redskins hat. One of the clues we had were "red beanie" and so, Susan stopped and tried to talk to the man. But he was holding onto another man who was holding onto another man. Then we found out that they were deaf. There were around 6-7 people and they were at Target as an outing. After we realized we didn't know how to sign, the leader pulled out his smartphone (thank God for technology!!) and we typed our conversations. We asked him if we could pray for them and he was very open. Although they couldn't hear us, we spent some time praying for each one of them and I believe they felt God's love. As I laid my hand and prayed for them, I felt God's love overflowing for them. I love how although society may say these are the least, God loves and cherishes them. The leader typed - "it was a divine encounter" and I believe it was too! We then took a picture with them and went on our way. We met a lady in an another aisle. Susan asked if she could pray for her and we found out that she was a pastor. Then she challenged us to pray for us. After Susan prayed for her, she in turn prayed for us. She prayed over Proverbs 3:5-6 us and that we would be bold as we continue with our lives - that we won't be afraid wherever we go. Whether we're at target, school, church, work, God is moving. He's pouring our His spirit upon us and as his children and disciples, we must walk with faith, truth, and confidence. 

Recently Hannah and I started a small group (mostly Hannah) with a group of college aged girls called Food for Soul in hopes that we can encourage each other to grow and walk in our faith throughout our college years. As I shared what happened at Target and shared the verse the pastor prayed over us, Hannah also shared her prayer. Earlier in the day, she prayed and asked God what verse to share with us and she believed that God told her Proverbs 3:5-6! As we discussed the verses, we discussed what it means to trust God with all our heart. I think the part that stuck out to me the most was - "lean not on your own understanding." I realized that my understanding is so limited. Although I can only see what is right in front of me, God can see way ahead. He knows my future. And it is my role to submit all my ways before Him. 
Homemade pizza! Sooo goood.
Our hope is that through our monthly meetings, we will provide an environment to openly discuss the Word of God, our struggles as college students, and eat! It stirs my heart to see God raising up young leaders. I'm so excited to see that God is raising up high school and college students after His heart. 

I love seeing people encounter the love of God. I've seen God do great things, but I believe that God is going to do even greater things in the years to come. We must ready our hearts and equip ourselves to be ready to go forth.

Also another song that's been on replay.
"You are good good ooh"

Thursday, March 3, 2016

Do Not Worry

There's a new ministry on campus that's been going around asking students if they would like to join a 15 minute Bible study in the food court at Stamp. After being asked several times for a few weeks, I decided to go and was really encouraged by it! The passage that we studied was one of my favorite passage - Matthew 6:25-34. 
25 “Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothes? 26 Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they? 27 Can any one of you by worrying add a single hour to your life?
28 “And why do you worry about clothes? See how the flowers of the field grow. They do not labor or spin. 29 Yet I tell you that not even Solomon in all his splendor was dressed like one of these. 30 If that is how God clothes the grass of the field, which is here today and tomorrow is thrown into the fire, will he not much more clothe you—you of little faith? 31 So do not worry, saying, ‘What shall we eat?’ or ‘What shall we drink?’ or ‘What shall we wear?’ 32 For the pagans run after all these things, and your heavenly Father knows that you need them. 33 But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. 34 Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.
Usually, I focus on Matthew 6:33 - "But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well" but this time, verse 32 stood out to me the most. "For the pagans run after all these things, and your heavenly Father knows that you need them." During the Bible study, the leader posed the question - "what does it mean to 'run after all these things'"? And the image that came to my mind was when you miss a bus. You are frantically running after the bus because you are not guaranteed that you will catch the bus. As a result, when we are "running after all these things," we do so because we have no assurance that we will get it. We can run after food, money, and clothes to have security and safety but there's no assurance that we will have security and safety. 

There's a quote that my friend shared a few months ago that I really like: "There are years that ask questions and there are years that answer." Right now, I have a lot of questions (which can easily turn into worries) but through this short 15 minute Bible study, I was reminded that yes God knows me. He knows what I need exactly when I need them. God is a good good Father. I don't need to run after food, clothes, and money. Rather, I need to "seek first his kingdom and his righteousness" and I know that God will provide exactly what I need when I need it. An example is that - after my freshman year, even before I asked my parents for a car, my dad decided to purchase a new car so that I could have his old one. The beginning of sophomore year was when I began as a youth group teacher and really needed a car. God knew even before I asked that I would need a car and provided in His perfect timing! 

When I see my friends running after their education (med school), a good MCAT score, career, relationships, etc. I wonder if I should be doing the same. I don't know if you will agree with me, but there's a fear - a fear that if I seek God's kingdom and His righteousness first, I will miss things. That I will miss my chance and opportunities of going to med school, getting good grades, getting married, etc. But I was really encouraged and reminded to seek after God's kingdom and his righteousness because He will provide all these things in His perfect timing. I love this semester, but it has been pretty stressful. I usually go to school around 9:30 or 10:30 AM and end up coming home around 7 PM at the earliest. I want to do well this semester, but I came to the conclusion that I have to entrust each day wholly to Him and He will take care of the rest because God knows exactly what I need each day (which is a lot of grace every day, haha). I was really encouraged by this passage and reminded of God's sovereignty and goodness. I hope you find this encouraging as well!

On a side-note, be on the lookout for a post about community (in the near future). And I've been listening to Amanda Cook's album Brave New World nonstop. Here's one of my favorites! 

"You don't give your hearts in pieces..."