1. Honestly, this year and season has been one of the hardest to have walked through. There were many mountains and valleys, but I am so thankful for Jesus – for his love and strength, who carried me through this year. In this “year of the unknown,” I have learned to lean into him deeper than before. And through this season, I have come to realize that I am nothing without God and I have nothing apart from Him. I am thankful for the Holy Spirit – his guidance and leading through each week and day. Though this year has been full of many uncertainties (it only makes sense and is clearer looking back) but I am thankful for this season because it has stretched and deepened my faith in trusting God for the plans He has for my life. He is surely good. There were many tears, many challenges, and many struggles but there were also many joys, victories, and good news!
2. I am so thankful for my family - my parents for continually supporting me though I am almost a year out of college. I am so thankful for the time I had with my sister this season (especially as I spend hours with her every day over the summer while teaching SAT class and preparing for Belize missions). I am thankful that I am able to continue to live at home and spend this season and time with my sister.
3. I am thankful for Hannah. She has been a very good friend to me throughout the years - but especially this year. It has been an encouragement to see her walk in faith despite the uncertainties and the unknowns of this season.
4. I am thankful for Aug, Sarah, and Caleb and the opportunity to lead the youth group. I cannot believe it’s already my fourth year teaching the youth group!
5. I am thankful for Cecilia, who studied with me every day and kept me accountable for two months while we took the Kaplan course together in order to study for the MCAT. I especially saw God’s hand throughout the whole process as I was able to win the Kaplan course at an auction for 1/3rd the price!
6. I am so thankful for all my photography clients. I truly enjoyed photographing each graduation session for my friends this past May and June.
7. I am thankful also for my lettering clients! I loved designing and working with Nana for her wedding day in September. It was such a joy to see all the work I had done on a computer come to life!
8. I am thankful for the Belize missions trip and team members. I had the opportunity to lead worship for the Belize Summer Bible Conference. It was an honor to be able to do so. I am also thankful for being able to go back to Belize to attend Dillon and Shannelle’s wedding. I am thankful that I was able to go snorkeling (though it was cloudy most of the time I was there, but snorkeling was so awesome)!
9. I am thankful for God who has provided – and has provided enough for me throughout this season. I am so thankful that God knows exactly what I need when I needed. I was a bit antsy in the earlier half of the year because I had no idea what I was going to do after I went on Belize missions. It was a difficult decision for me to make – to choose to go on missions, but now that I am looking back, God already knew and had a plan for me. And that is so mind boggling! Though I was so discouraged and disappointed that I could not apply for medical school this cycle, God knew that I needed a break and a time before starting school again. And I am also so thankful that God provided a job for me at Bethesda Vision Care. I really enjoy being around my coworkers and I am also soo soo grateful for this position at NIH (which I will start in a couple of months but not sure exactly when). I always wanted a job or internship at NIH and it was such a good surprise when I received the email since I interviewed earlier this year! I know starting at NIH will stretch me to grow and think, but I am so excited to see where God will lead in the months and weeks to come!
10. I am thankful for my class - Joy, Rebekah, and Ashia. I love how they are each so different, but I see how God made each person fearfully and wonderfully. Although we ran into some car issues on our way back, I really enjoyed when our class visited Mary in Richmond (btw they also pushed my car when it was in neutral, haha). I also really enjoyed going apple picking!
11. The older I get, I appreciate even more the community God has given me. I am so thankful for everyone’s support and love through all these years. I was especially reminded of this when my car battery died at church. There were so many people who were concerned and help me jumpstart my car (esp Joe who made sure that I got home safely)!