After climbing a mountain, I'm amazed at the view at the top (metaphorically speaking). I'm glad that the struggles of climbing the mountain is done and over. But I forget. I forget who brought me through that I can stand on top of this mountain - it was God. I climbed this mountain not through of my own strength, but because God guided me as I was struggling to take each step. In fact, he carried me on his back as I encountered the hardest part of the hike. Then, why do I abandon him once the struggle is over? Often times, after I go through something really difficult, I'm so excited that God is victorious. Then I forget. But I shouldn't. What happens is that I try doing things on my own again only to find out that I can't do it on my own. It's funny. I think God laughs in heaven when he sees me trying to do things on my own again. "Silly Grace. She's trying to do everything on her own again." Because when I try to do everything on my own, I get overwhelmed. I get burdened. I get burnt out. But that's not how God wants me to live. He wants me to trust him.
He'll lead. And I'll follow. It doesn't work the other way around because God's plans are sovereign. I trust that he has the best plans for me and I
know that he never fails. Though people may fail (though I may fail you), God
never fails. He loves me so deeply and passionately that he wants the best for me. He wants me to live a life full of joy, without stress. As APs, SAT, violin tests, and all these things that seem impossible are coming up, God is teaching me to just follow Him. I really can't do it all on my own because it's just humanly crazy. He simply wants me to follow Him with all the faith that I have. In the end, it's not about me. As John the Baptist once said, I must become less and he must become greater.
All of this reminded me of this song: You Lead by Jamie Grace
One more thing: God is also teaching me to just enjoy each day and to cherish this moment because despite the busy-ness of life at the moment, this moment is sweet. (sidenote: the weather lately has been amazing) Who knows what life will be like a year later? Everything can be different. I can only trust Him.
I read the first line and I was like, "She climbed a MOUNTAIN?!"
I wish. (: