Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Photo Book

Click here to view this photo book larger

I finally finished it! Although I didn't have enough time to scavenge for pictures from sophomore and junior year. I wish I did though, but yes! Got the discount. (:

11 Questions

Well, a lot of you guys already answered Sarah's questions! I challenge those who haven't to the Liebster challenge! Write 11 facts about yourself and answer these questions. (:
  1. Pancakes or waffles?
  2. What do you do when you get angry or frustrated? Do you cry, yell, etc.? 
  3. What is your favorite book (aside from the Bible)?
  4. A funny story?
  5. What's your favorite candy or chocolate?
  6. Do you prefer long hair or short hair? And why?
  7. What's your favorite hobby?
  8. What is your favorite thing to do when you hang out with your friends?
  9. If you didn't have to worry about money, what would you do with your life?
  10. What is one thing not many people know about you?
  11. What was your favorite class that you took?

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

11 Things

11 Things About Grace:
  1. I realized this year that I really like being around people, well much more than being alone for a long period of time.
  2. When I was living in California in third grade, I won a math competition. Oh, I also went to a rodeo too!
  3. Names are extremely difficult for me to remember. Celebrities names? I cannot put the name to the face except for a handful. However I do remember faces pretty well.
  4. I used to color my nails with markers because I wanted to paint my nails but I didn't have nail polish (This was like early elementary school).
  5. I like looking at do-it-yourself (DIY) things on pinterest. I only "repin" the things I like, but I secretly plan on doing all of them one day (except that would cost a lot of money).
  6. My initial reaction when I meet new people is to become really shy. 
  7. Out of all the glasses I have had, I only chose one of the frames, and that would be my very first pair. When I first got my glasses, I didn't wear them to school for a whole year because I subconsciously thought I would be like Arthur when he got glasses. Did you guys watch the episode when he got glasses?
  8. I always wanted to play soccer during recess in elementary school, but I never did because only the boys played.
  9. My favorite color in first grade was yellow.
  10. I wanted to be a nurse in first grade because my mom was. But after first grade, I tried avoiding the question "What do you want to be when you grow up?" because I didn't want to be like the kids who would change what they wanted to be every other day.
  11. I used to read all the time, but then I stopped once I started middle school. My favorites were the Boxcar Children and the Baby-sitter Clubs! (:
The eleven questions will be posted later...when I think of them, haha.

Monday, March 25, 2013


1.  It's a rainy Saturday and all you want to do is curl up with some hot chocolate and watch a movie.  What is your go-to movie?
I don't think I have a go-to movie, but I remember watching Parent Trap so many times while growing up!

"You know what's the difference between you and me? I have class and you don't."
"We're like sisters! No, we're like twins!"

 I used to really dislike watching a movie more than once, but now it's okay as long at it's a good movie. However my sister can watch the same movie like ten times and not get tired of it. When my sister got Karate Kid, she literally watched it like three times in one weekend. 

2.  What is your earliest childhood memory?
My earliest childhood memory. I don't remember how old I was, but I remember waking up early in the morning without anyone at home. At this time, I was still living in Korea. Why was I alone? My parents went to early morning prayer meeting. 

3.  What do you love about your family?
My sister makes me laugh and she appreciates corny jokes. I was laughing so hard reading her Liebster answer things. From my mom, I learned to be generous with what I have and like my sister said in her blog, I learned to be patient (although it's always a learning process) from my dad.

4.  If you could become fluent in one language today, which would you choose and why?
I would choose Spanish! Although I'm glad I took Latin in high school, I wish I could have taken Spanish. If I knew Spanish, I could talk to the people in Mexico! I can still learn though. (:

5.  What is your biggest pet peeve?
I have several pet peeves, but I think the biggest one is when someone bothers me when I'm in my concentration mode. 

I go in my room and start my homework.
*ten minutes later*
sister: Grace, I need help with my homework.

That alone breaks my concentration for around ten more minutes and as soon as I start concentrating again...

sister: Grace, I have one more question. I promise I won't bother you anymore. (Then she starts talking even more, haha)

Then leaves my door open. It just bothers me when the door isn't shut completely and when my sister says "eeesh."

And she's doing this right now.

6.  Cartoon animals are often cuter than the real deal.  What is your favorite cartoon animal?  (Doesn't have to be a cartoon character...could be simply "cartoon hippos")
This is tough. I would say a lion or a penguin? Dogs and cats seem too common. Actually I think it's pandas!

7.  What is your favorite group game? (I love games and am constantly on the prowl for new ones!)
This is a hard one! I love playing group games although it does depend on who I am with. I don't have a favorite, but I think my top five games are: Taboo, Risk (although this limits the number of players), Quelf (even though I only played this once, I feel like it would be hilarious to play with the youth group), Gestures, Pictionary. Group games are really fun. I get really competitive, but I also dislike it when it's too competitive. I do better when I know I can make mistakes and my teammates will be okay with it.

8.  Outside of your family, who has had the greatest influence on shaping the person you are today?
I would definitely say it would be my youth group leaders! As I keep looking back to middle school and the beginnings of high school, I changed a lot. I'm the same height and I guess look about the same, except without braces and those Harry Potter glasses, but I used to be really shy fearful of everything. Yeah. I thank my youth group leaders for showing me Jesus' love through their own actions and the way they live their lives!

9.  What is something you are really, really good at and could teach a class on?  (It could be super random/simple, like making a killer PB&J sandwich) 

I would teach a class (surprise there)! Or math. I think I could teach math.

10.  How did you learn to tie your shoelaces - making 2 bunny ears, OR a tree that a bunny runs around and jumps into the hole?  (Shoe-tying technique is an area of dispute between Mr. A and me)  :) 

Two bunny ears. I still tie it with two bunny ears today! I don't like how loose it is when I tie it with the other technique.   

11.  Tell me a memory you have about kindergarten or first grade!  (I'm always curious since I teach this age group and always wonder what people tend to remember about these days)

I remember for the 2004 World Cup, our whole elementary school had to dress up with "Be the Reds" tshirts and everyone had one except me. I had to go borrow one from a friends and I think it was kind of small.

I also remember my teacher was very young and she gave candy whenever you answered a question in class. I was also the 2nd shortest person in my class of fifty something kids, haha.

I was invited to a birthday party, but it was awkward because I was too shy to sing when we went to a karaoke place. So I just stood there and watched all my classmates sing. Plus, I didn't know any of the songs they were singing. It was that day I was forced to finish eating a kimchi burger.

None of these memories really involves school work. Oh, I remember being bad at spelling, haha. I was supposed to get a 5/10 on a spelling quiz or something like that but since the teacher grading it didn't see the mistake, she gave me a 7/10. I also remember not knowing all my multiplication and feeling sad because some of my classmates could recite all the way up to the twelve times table AND backwards. 

(These memories were all while living in Korea.)

Friday, March 22, 2013

Senior Year

 I guess since it's senior year, I'm trying to do more school activities. And as I look back on all these pictures and our memories of high school, I can't believe it's been almost four years! There are so many memories that I cannot recall everything that has happened these past four years. However, I know that I have met some of the best people at Roosevelt. No matter how many imperfections there are at Roosevelt, we have the great teachers, people, and programs! I think I really liked high school. Well, I'm still in it. I'm thankful how God provided for me through these years and now I have two months left! Woohooo. Gotta embrace it. (:

Monday, March 18, 2013

I am nothing without God

The season of lent is a really good time to have a lot of quiet time with the Lord.

This past week, God has been revealing to me how I am nothing without him and how good it is to delight in Him. I am reminded of the Levites during the time of Joshua. The land the Israelites conquered was split between the eleven tribes and the Levites received no share of the land. Even though that seems unfortunate, the Levites had even more. They had God and that was enough. Having God's presence surpasses having the best material possessions of the world. In the same way, I realized (yet again) that I have everything and even more in God. Knowing Jesus is just so sweet. It's better than all the things I can have in this world.

Whenever God asks us to give up something, He has something greater in store for us.

Often times, I say "I want to go deeper in my relationship with Jesus. I want to know him more. I want to hear God's voice. I want to know what's on his heart." However, I realized that there is a cost that I have to pay in order to go deeper, know him more, and to hear his voice. God may call me to give up certain things in my life whether it be thoughts, material possessions, security, or something else. Jesus even said, "Foxes have dens and birds have nests, but the Son of Man has no place to lay his head" (Luke 9:58). When I have to give up something or do something, it's really hard for me, but I must remember that what I am giving up is nothing compared to what God has in store for me.

I didn't realize it, but I recently realized that there's a desire in me to have financial security. I mean, who wants to ever be in debt? I know that God's resources are abundant and He will provide all my needs. But right now, I don't physically see anything. Then I was thinking about my expectations for my life. I didn't realize it, but subconsciously, there is a set pattern that I'm expecting for my life -- go to college, get a job, get married, have family, etc. But God never said that my life was going to be like that. I want to be open to wherever God leads me in my life whether it'll be living here, someplace else in America, or somewhere else. It'll be one step at a time.

God has also been reminding me of who I used to be. Without God, I am nothing and it is truly only by his grace that I am where I am today. All the glory goes to Him. (:

This school year, I got sick several times within a few weeks of each other. Then I thought about last year. I don't recall seriously getting sick last year. My schedule was busier than it is now and I'm sure I suffered from tiredness more than I do now. But I didn't get sick. That is only by God's grace! I thank God that he gave me good health last year! Missing a day, let alone a few days would have been terrible during junior year.

Then, I thought about how I was in middle school and I much I have changed since then. God taught me soooo much through these past five or six years. I'm excited for what He has in store for me these upcoming years! (:

Friday, March 15, 2013

Basketball & Batman

It is my senior year and so I went to my first and only basketball game during high school. It was actually really exciting to watch and it was a tight match, but the Raiders ended up winning 61-58! Now they're going to the states. Tomorrow's game begins at 8 at the Comcast center.

And today was the Latin play! It's amazing how we got everything together and pulled it off because yesterday it was just dysfunctional. 

On Wednesday, we realized that we needed duct tape for the play. I went to buy duct tape at Staples, but I couldn't find the duct tape. However I felt that I should go look at a certain section as Staples and there, I found clear tape. And so I ended up buying the clear, heavy duty tape for shipping. To my disappointment, we didn't need duct tape Thursday. But then today while we were setting up for the set, we realized that we needed clear tape to hold up our scene. Then the clear, heavy duty tape was perfect for the scene. I was amazed how it held up the scene all day! Although it seems trivial, I thank God for showing me which tape I had to buy! God does really care about the little things. (:

Here are some pictures from today! (By the way, these pictures are all from the zoom lens. I haven't had the chance of using the zoom lens as much but it was really nice for the game and the play)

(The APs did Family Guy)

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Spring & Soccer

The flowers are beginning to bloom, the days are progressively getting longer, the weather's warmer. Spring is almost here (officially)! My favorite season. (:

It reminds me of a dream I had a few weeks ago. It's really random, but in my dream there was grass growing in between the cracks of some brick stairs. I remember telling my friends who were with me - "Guys! Look at the grass growing. It's the sign of spring!" And then after I had the dream, the weather started getting warmer until we had the snow day. God definitely speaks through dreams. But sometimes I don't know how to discern some dreams I have.

Today we played soccer after Sunday Worship Service and a lot of people showed up! The teams were fairly even and I thought it was a fun match. I thank God for giving us such a beautiful weekend. I think the reason why I like soccer is that it's a sport that I can actually play, it's a good time to have fellowship with other people, and I get some exercise.

After playing soccer, I came home and was eagerly greeted by my sister and Joy. They were just so excited to see me. Just kidding. They wanted to go to Rita's, haha. I never actually drove to Rita's but I know that the location is somewhat inconvenient and the parking spaces can be limited depending on how many customers they have at the time. So I was like - guys pray that we don't get lost and that there aren't too many people there. I don't know if they actually prayed, but guess what. There weren't that many cars on the road (probably because it's Sunday) and I found a parking spot right away! And as we left, we noticed that the line got pretty long. There basically was no line when we arrived! This is such a small way God answered a prayer, but it shows that he cares about the little things. God is such a good father and he eagerly desires to give me good gifts.

This is a good year. It's a pretty peaceful year. I have a little more than two months of high school left! So crazy. It's like a bittersweet feeling. I'm looking forward to summer break, but at the same time I'll definitely miss some of my crazy friends from high school.

And check out my sister's blog: The last post made me laugh.

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

it's been a while

I want to sit at your feet
drink from the cup in your hand
lay back against you and breathe
feel your heart beat
this love is so deep
it's more than I can stand
I melt in your peace

"As Jesus and his disciples were on their way, he came to a village where a woman named Martha opened her home to him. She had a sister called Mary, who sat at the Lord' feet listening to what he said. But Martha was distracted by all the preparations that had to be made. She came to him and asked, 'Lord, don't you care that my sister has left me to do the work by myself? Tell her to help me!'

'Martha, Martha,' the Lord answered, 'you are worried and upset about many things, but only one thing is needed. Mary has chosen what is better, and it will not be taken away from her.'"
- Luke 10:38-42

I often find myself being like Martha. There are always things to be done, but today was a day to be like Mary.

Sunday, March 3, 2013

He First Loved || Responding to His Love

I'm going to try to summarize the parable of lost son in two sentences. The younger son takes his inheritance from his father, squanders all of it, comes back home, and his loving Father throws him a big party. The older son doesn't understand his Father's heart for Him and gets jealous.

I was thinking about this recently and if I think about the parables of the lost son, I can often relate to the older son. Often times, I fall into the mentality of the older son. The older son lived in his Father's house and had all the benefits of living in his Father's house! And in the future, all that was the Father's would one day be his. He didn't know his Father's heart and because of this, when his younger brother came home after squandering all his inheritance, instead of celebrating with his Father, the older son was disappointed that he didn't get a party.

And in the same way, I forget that God does love me and he wants the best for me. When I start wandering and looking at others and what they have, I start to forget how much God has blessed me,
which is really silly if you think about it! God has provided for me, protected me, loved me, etc. 

So I try to obey because I know he has the best plans for me. But then, I begin to forget to hope in
all the great things God has for me because I'm not perfect. I start to get tired. I start forgetting that God is good. I forget that God doesn't make cookie cutter humans with cookie cutter plans. He has a purpose and plan for each one of us. 

Then I start forgetting of God's great love for me.

Then that affects everything - how I treat others, my level of patience, how willing I am to help someone, etc.

How I love reflects how I'm being loved - how I'm accepting God's love.
One that has been loved much loves much!

It's like money in a sense. If there's a small flow of money coming in, you try to spend as little as possible.
But if there's a large income coming in, you feel more free to spend more. It's easier to spend more money.

In the same way, if I'm receiving much, then it's easier to give much.

I think that's what God is calling us to do. He desires us to drink deeply from his well. This is the only way we can love others. This is the only way we can bear the pains of loving others as Jesus did. 

I wondered for a while. How did Jesus continue to love when he was rejected? When people used him? When people ignored him? Spoke lies about him? How did he endure it?

It's because He knew the Father's love for Him. God's love is SOOOO great that Jesus could endure all these things.

At the end of our lives, it's not going to matter what someone thought about my actions. It's not going to matter if someone approves or rejects me. It only matters that God accepts me. The only thing that matters is what God thinks of me.

And at the end he's going to ask me - did you love, how did you love, who did you love?

I want to be able to reflect upon my life and say I loved well. Not because I'm capable of loving people so well. No, it's because he loved me first that I can love and his love is THAT great that I can endure all things.

"Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Love never fails."
- 1 Corinthians 13: 4-7

And so, I want to treat people well. I also listened to this message this weekend and it was really good: Pastor Stephen Chandler speaks about the importance of treating people well. I want to be able to speak encouraging words to the people around me. I want us, as a church, to be able to encourage each other and launch each other into our futures. (:

An excerpt from "A Love Worth Giving" by Max Lucado that my class is reading that has been replaying in my mind: I want to live knowing that God gives me a fresh bouquet of flowers every morning!

Saturday, March 2, 2013


"I am still confident of this: I will see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living. 
Wait for the Lord; be strong and take heart and wait for the Lord."
- Psalm 27: 13-14

.  r  .

I happened to come upon this video yesterday and this three minute video gave me a new perspective. I encourage you to listen to it.

"He said not to wait for  yours answers. He said wait for Him. Because when He shows up every answer you asked and every question you didn't even ask is going to be answered."

Waiting Here for You

There are answers that I am waiting from God, but even more than that, after listening to this, I want God to show up. I want God's presence to show up in all areas of my life and in the lives of those around me.

"The Lord will fulfill his purpose for me; your love, O Lord, endures forever - do not abandon the works of your hands."
 - Psalm 138: 8