Monday, March 18, 2013

I am nothing without God

The season of lent is a really good time to have a lot of quiet time with the Lord.

This past week, God has been revealing to me how I am nothing without him and how good it is to delight in Him. I am reminded of the Levites during the time of Joshua. The land the Israelites conquered was split between the eleven tribes and the Levites received no share of the land. Even though that seems unfortunate, the Levites had even more. They had God and that was enough. Having God's presence surpasses having the best material possessions of the world. In the same way, I realized (yet again) that I have everything and even more in God. Knowing Jesus is just so sweet. It's better than all the things I can have in this world.

Whenever God asks us to give up something, He has something greater in store for us.

Often times, I say "I want to go deeper in my relationship with Jesus. I want to know him more. I want to hear God's voice. I want to know what's on his heart." However, I realized that there is a cost that I have to pay in order to go deeper, know him more, and to hear his voice. God may call me to give up certain things in my life whether it be thoughts, material possessions, security, or something else. Jesus even said, "Foxes have dens and birds have nests, but the Son of Man has no place to lay his head" (Luke 9:58). When I have to give up something or do something, it's really hard for me, but I must remember that what I am giving up is nothing compared to what God has in store for me.

I didn't realize it, but I recently realized that there's a desire in me to have financial security. I mean, who wants to ever be in debt? I know that God's resources are abundant and He will provide all my needs. But right now, I don't physically see anything. Then I was thinking about my expectations for my life. I didn't realize it, but subconsciously, there is a set pattern that I'm expecting for my life -- go to college, get a job, get married, have family, etc. But God never said that my life was going to be like that. I want to be open to wherever God leads me in my life whether it'll be living here, someplace else in America, or somewhere else. It'll be one step at a time.

God has also been reminding me of who I used to be. Without God, I am nothing and it is truly only by his grace that I am where I am today. All the glory goes to Him. (:

This school year, I got sick several times within a few weeks of each other. Then I thought about last year. I don't recall seriously getting sick last year. My schedule was busier than it is now and I'm sure I suffered from tiredness more than I do now. But I didn't get sick. That is only by God's grace! I thank God that he gave me good health last year! Missing a day, let alone a few days would have been terrible during junior year.

Then, I thought about how I was in middle school and I much I have changed since then. God taught me soooo much through these past five or six years. I'm excited for what He has in store for me these upcoming years! (:

1 comment:

  1. Grace! ive been thinking about similar things lately. Lent has been a good time to spend with God! and giving up something seems really hard but God is teaching me he is so much more and better. Remember from the retreat that he offers us himself! so crazy and amazing. thanks for the encouraging post! =)

