note: I wrote the chunk of this blog post months ago, probably towards winter break or so. Maybe even farther back? However I never posted it and it has been sitting in my draft box and the (1) for the unpublished blogs has been bothering me, so here it is! Since the reason I didn't post it in the first place was being I didn't finish, I added to some things here and there. I hope it makes sense. It's kind of jumbled. (:
"He has shown you, O mortal, what is good
And what does the Lord require of you?
To act justly and to love mercy
and walk humbly with your God."
Micah 6:8
Justice. What does this mean to you? The United States' pledge of Allegiance ends with "one Nation, under God, indivisible with liberty and justice for all" and there's that phrase "justice is served." The word justice associates with righteousness, rightfulness, and lawfulness. There are lawyers and Supreme Court Judges who fight to maintain justice in our country.
However justice was not a word that I often thought about until a few months ago.
A few months ago, I made the part of the song Hosanna - "break my heart for what breaks yours" my prayer. As we sang "Hosanna" during praise in youth group, I would ask God what was on his heart.
And this year, God has been showing me that we need to represent and speak up for the people who cannot speak for themselves. Yesterday night, I had a dream that I befriended two deaf people and it was really strange. Now that I think about it, I don't know how we communicated, but in my dream, it was really natural.
Have you guys read Night? I read it freshman year for English and this poem that we read at the end of reading the novel really stuck to me, espeically the last line.
And this year, God has been showing me that we need to represent and speak up for the people who cannot speak for themselves. Yesterday night, I had a dream that I befriended two deaf people and it was really strange. Now that I think about it, I don't know how we communicated, but in my dream, it was really natural.
Have you guys read Night? I read it freshman year for English and this poem that we read at the end of reading the novel really stuck to me, espeically the last line.
First They Came
First they came for the communists,and I didn't speak out because I wasn't a communist.Then they came for the socialists,and I didn't speak out because I wasn't a socialist.Then they came for the trade unionists,and I didn't speak out because I wasn't a trade unionist.Then they came for me,and there was no one left to speak for me.
One night I asked Jesus how I should lived and Micah 6:8 and the line "to act justly" popped out and ever since then, I noticed the injustice around me.
I recently read Undaunted, and I was really encouraged to fight against the belief that I can't do anything. A lot of the times, I made excuses for myself which are eventually just lies sent by the enemy. I believe that I can't do anything because I'm not old enough, wise enough, or strong enough. I don't have an income and I'm just in high school, but Jesus says that these are all lies. He is with me and in this world and we need to fight the injustice. The people who need to be helped the most are the ones who cannot help themselves. As simple and obvious as this sounds, we often forget this. When I'm doing well in my life, I don't take time to remember all those who are suffering. Man, I really admire people who can have compassion on other and take action. It's easy for me to get caught up in my own life that I forget to care about the people around me.
There are so many organizations that need help - the A21, Compassion International, Amazima Ministry, missionaries all around the world, etc. but I also think it's important to seek God's guidance because even if I want to, I can't be at all these different places at once.
How do I make a difference? How can I? That's a tough question. There are obvious times when I know that my actions impacted the people around me when I was in Mexico and places like this, but it's a lot tougher living daily. I must first look up to the One who saved me and is far greater in love. Then once God starts working in my life, I believe He will use me to do amazing things. God uses the willing. (:
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