Count your blessings, name them one by one,Yes, God has done so much in my life throughout high school and the last month has been a blast! So I want to count my blessings.
Count your blessings, see what God hath done!
Count your blessings, name them one by one,
And it will surprise you what the Lord hath done.
1. I am so thankful that God provided me great friends in high school even when I didn't realize it until recently. He was always looking out for me!
2. I am so thankful for the youth group and praise team. I definitely got to know them better throughout senior year and they are so sweet! I'm so excited for them to be going to Grace Retreat this year.
3. I am thankful that God is with me right now through this transition time from high school to college. I went to orientation Thursday & Friday and it was just different than high school. Less diverse. It reminded me of freshman year all over again as I looked across at the sea of unknown faces looking back at me. In hindsight for high school, it were small actions that created friendships between some of my friends and me. And now, I look at all these faces and wonder who I'll become really close with by the end of my senior year in college. I recently had Bible study on 1 Corinthians 16 and verses 13 and 14 stuck out the most to me. "Be on your guard; stand firm in the faith; be courageous; be strong. Do everything in love." After the last month of senior year and orientation, I now see that there are so many temptations in the college life. I need to set my priorities straight before I start college! A lot of decisions people live are all about living in the moment, but I need to be on my guard and fight for people's salvation because that's all that matters in the end. During Bible study, my Bible teacher gave an analogy of an eagle. Apparently eagles can look at the sun while other birds cannot. Whenever they are chased by other birds, what do they do? They fly towards the sun and the other birds cannot follow them. In the same way, when I am in the midst of all these temptations and influences, I need to draw nearer to God.
4. I am thankful for my family! They have been supportive by giving me rides throughout high school as well as paying for everything. My sister has a big heart and tries to cheer me up whenever I'm down.
5. God has bigger plans for me than I have for myself. Right now it's hard for me to see what God's going to teach me in these next four years of my life. Anything can happen. I could just go on missions, take a semester off, etc. I don't know. Sometimes everything is foggy and everything seems uncertain. However I need to remember that what happens in my life are not just random. In all things, God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose (Romans 8:28).
6. I'm going to Koreeeaaaaa! This all seems so surreal. I haven't been there since I came to America in second grade.
7. God helped me throughout senior year. It's been one crazy year filled with schoolwork as well as exciting things. I loved being part of TLC and NHS and it was in general really fun. In the beginning of the year in my youth group class, I had to write down my goals for the year and one of them was to get more involved in school. Looking back, I would say that I did get more involved by attending all these school events. I went to Coffee House performances, the Poetry Slam, two basketball games, hosted the Color Run, saw a full school play for the first time, hung out with my friends, got my license, and so much more!
8. I love nice days outside and I'm thankful for the weather lately. It has been so beautiful!
God is so good. All the time. Through the rough times and through the enjoyable times in life. I'll be leaving for Korea in two days but I hope to take lots of pictures and keep up with my blog in Korea. Hopefully I'll keep you guys posted in what I'm doing. Send me lots of emails on what's happening around College Park. (:
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