God recently reminded me of a small prayer topic I had two years ago. Well, it was something that I thought was something small, but looking back, God taught me so much through this simple question I had for him.
Flashback to two years ago:
I knew my name was Grace and I knew that God's grace was important, but I didn't really understand what it meant. There's the famous song "Amazing Grace," written about God's amazing grace. I heard of people talk about God's grace throughout my life. Despite all this, I didn't really understand what grace meant or what having grace meant.
From then on, God began to teach me about His heart and His grace for people. As I began to accept His grace over my life, I learned (I'm still learning) to show grace to people. Showing grace is accepting people despite their weaknesses and faults. It's continuing to love despite how difficult it is. Receiving grace is getting what I don't deserve at all. God is full of grace. God knows all my faults, mistakes, and weaknesses. Yet, he welcomes me into his presence. Despite my impurities, He loves me.
Today I finished writing up a homework assignment I have been working on for a very long time on Microsoft Word. For some reason, the document itself wasn't saving although I kept pressing "save as" and gave it several different names. I even opened up a new document and copied and pasted the document on it. After several attempts, I assumed that at least one copy should have been saved. So I closed all the documents and pressed "don't save" for all the documents. (You can probably sense where this story is going.) Then I opened the document and...realized it only saved the a copy I had of it from yesterday. I couldn't even open a file from "recently saved" because for some reason it didn't save! In that moment, I asked God, "God please show me grace." Then I remembered I had just copied the whole document using command + C. So I opened another Word document and pressed command + V. Then what I had been working on for a few hours came up. Phew. Thank God!
And God keeps showing His grace over my life.
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