Monday, July 16, 2012


  • This is a late write-up considering that I watched  the "Amazing Spiderman" last Tuesday, but here it goes: Watching the Spiderman movie reminded me how weak we are as humans. We try so hard to find cures to our problems such as cancer and so many other things but often times we are left without any answers or cures. On the other hand, my God can heal cancer, grow out legs, grow our arms, destroy tumors, and so much more in the matter of a mili-second. God is so powerful and far above us. The movie made me realize how weak we are as human beings and how great God is.
  • I keep having dreams that we're working on our VBS for the Mexico Mission trip even though I know that we already went and came back from it.
    • The more I think about Mexico, I am reminded that missions wasn't just the nine or ten days we spent in Mexico. The months of preparation for the mission trip was just as important as going there.
  • I need to trust God with my future - college, major, etc. The time has finally come and now it's my turn to start thinking about my future.
    • What Augustine said during the message about making decisions is making me think. It's so hard to make selfless decisions but those have the best results.
    • Faith - I need to have faith that God will provide everything for college. It would be insulting to God if I didn't believe he is going to take care of everything after all that he's shown me. God is always looking to build our faiths. (:
  • Summer Bible Conference in twoooo weeks.
  • I keep thinking - "this is the time of transition." So many things are changing.
  • Reading 1 Chronicles chapter 1-4 was extremely hard. It was names, names, names, and names. Now that I think more about it, all those names were real people. In a hundred years, what am I going to be? A name. I'm probably not even going to be a name because those names were important people during the time. Even though there's an unending list of names, God loved and loves each and every person. That amazes me. It's hard imagining that the list of names were actual people who lived just like me. They loved God and God loved them. 

I don't want to post all of them, so here are four from days twelve to  twenty-one!

Day twelve:
Day 12 - up
Day fifteen:
Day 15 - lighting experiment
Day seventeen:
Day 17 - summer
Day twenty-one:
Day 21 - peace

update: I need to stop sleeping. I took two naps today. I'm just reading and all of a sudden, I get sleepy and I fall asleep and then wake up two - three hours later. Then I keep having really weird dreams. I need to stop sleeping so much.


  1. Grace! Why wasn't I subscribed to your blog before? It's so beautiful! I can't wait to read through it.

