Tuesday, February 5, 2013

26 Acts of Kindness

On behalf of the 26 Sandy Hook victims, our NHS and SGA are promoting "26 Acts of Kindness." I'm so thankful that God has given me the position as the Vice President of NHS to do something. I'm learning how to plan and work together with other officers (my friends) and it has been fun. However, before we had any idea of promoting 26 Acts of Kindness, I believe God placed this in my heart so it's really exciting that as NHS, we get to encourage others to do acts of kindness.

These are some acts of kindness that I liked that I found online:

  1. Smile at a stranger.
  2. Talk about what you’re grateful for.
  3. Walk around school and pick up some trash.
  4. Tell a janitor that you appreciate their hard work.
  5. Forgive someone for a minor resentment that’s been bothering you.
  6. Write someone a letter.
  7. Leave your change in the vending machine for the next person.
  8. Befriend a stranger.
  9. Strike up a conversation with the person working the cash register.
  10. Tell a friend she’s beautiful.
  11. Ask a friend who seems down to go for a walk.
  12. Allow everyone else to go first all day.
  13. Forgive someone a debt--and never bring it up again.
  14. Listen with all your senses.
  15. Simply say “I’m sorry” when you’re wrong.
  16. Encourage someone who seems down.
  17. Ask someone “How are you really doing?” -- and then really listen to his or her response.
  18. Leave a generous tip for the waiter.
  19. Say “please” and “thank you” and really mean it.
  20. Give a gift to your mailman.
  21. Leave extra money in the vending machine.
  22. Bake cookies and share with your friends.
  23. Write a thank you note to your bus driver.

I think even though an act of kindness can be small, it might have more impact than I'll ever know. Yet, it takes a lot of effort to do them.

I challenge you to do one act of kindness this month. You have almost the whole month! (:

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