Saturday, February 2, 2013

Energy Input

Biology analogy heading your way.

Whenever we study the intricacy of the cell and its functions, I am amazed. There is no way all these detailed cell regulations and functions happened simply by chance. I stand amazed at God's creation!


A few weeks ago, I learned the process of respiration in AP Biology. The process breaks down into

  1. Glycolysis
    1. input
    2. output
  2. Kreb Cycle
  3. Electron Transport Chain

The cell must use some of its energy (ATP) in order to make run through respiration. When we focus only on the energy investment phase, it seems silly to waste energy when we're trying to make more. However in the energy payoff phase, the cell makes even more energy! Then the energy and glucose go through the kreb cycle and eventually the electron transport chain in order to create triple the ATP it invested. I realized it's the same thing with investing in loving people. A lot of people have invested their time, energy, and money into loving me over all these years and it taught me how to love others in turn as well. In his ministry, Jesus did not simply preach to thousands of people. Most of the time, he invested his time and energy into serving the twelve disciples. While he was with them, they lacked maturity and failed to trust Jesus often times. Yet, Jesus was patient with them and continued to invest in them. After Jesus' death and resurrection, we can see that the very own disciples that doubted him became great leaders and brought so many to Christ! I think a lot of times, it gets difficult serving others, but we must not "lose heart." We forget that there's an energy payoff phase! When we serve others, in their own time, the ones we serve will in turn serve many more. 

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