Saturday, May 3, 2014

A Friend

My sister and I have a really large gap - about seven years. Throughout her life, I've been more of a mom than a sister. I spent my elementary school days babysitting (changing her diapers, playing hide-and-seek, etc.) her after school while my parents were working or at church meetings. As we're both getting older, it's kind of weird that now she's almost as tall as me (which is not incredibly tall, haha). We have the same shoe size now too! Sometimes I look in my closet and can't find something I'm looking for. Turns out, she wore it to school. Maybe in a few years, I'll be borrowing her clothes... Sadly, as she gets older, I can't boss her around anymore, haha. I'm finding out more and more how different we are. Yet, we're so similar. For example, we both love and appreciate art. However, my interest is in photography while my sister's interests are focused on drawing & making videos (she's pretty good at both too). She's seen my best and my worst. She knows that I can get really cranky & mean when I'm tired. However she's quick to forgive. (: As we are getting older, she's becoming more of a friend to me. It's kind of weird. I thank God for giving me my sister!
I was pretty surprised that she trusted me enough to let me cut her hair today! The left is the before picture and the right is the after picture (after she took a shower). The curls are from her perm. (:


  1. Did you cut it at all? I don't really see a difference in length

  2. Haha! Andrew's comment ^ Such a sweet post. -HB

  3. My hair is really thick, so it would have made a difference if Grace thinned it (or layered it) but I didn't trust her *that* much.

