Saturday, November 28, 2015

Thanksgiving Topics

Every year, our church members usually write 10 or 20 thanksgiving topics and share it with each other. Here is my list from this year. It's hard to believe that Thanksgiving has come and gone, but I am so thankful for the friends and family that I was able to spend with this year!

  1. As I look back, I am extremely thankful for the two months I spent in Uganda with Anna this summer. Although it felt like I didn’t do much, it was exactly what I needed. In the quiet moments and slow moments, God taught me to cherish the quiet moments with Him and to really value others above myself. I also got a glimpse of what the life of a long-term medical missionary looks like.
  2. I am thankful for my parents – for their sacrifice and love. Without their continuous support and prayers, I don’t know where I would be. I remember when I began college, it was hard living at home because all my friends were dorming. However, I’m thankful for the last two years and how God has brought our family closer together through this season.
  3. I’m thankful for my college education. Although it doesn’t seem like it since everyone around us goes to college (for the most part), I learned that it is a privilege.
  4. I’m thankful for my sister – for her honesty and friendship. The way she loves and gives challenges me in the ways I love and give.
  5. I’m thankful for YDJ – for the leaders and the presenters who prepare for every meeting. I learned a lot from the Ephesians study and the Shadows series we studied this semester. It’s encouraging to gather with friends who are seeking God.  
  6. I’m thankful for youth group (especially my class!). I don't have all the answers to all their questions, but I know the One who does - God. My prayer is that they may know their worth in Jesus. I also hope that they will grow to be leaders - that when they go to college, they may be the ones to lead others Christ. I hope that they may surrender their lives and be transformed into the image of Jesus - that this may be something they strive for in life.
  7. I am thankful for the youth group teachers – for our monthly planning meeting dinners (especially for Sarah and Aug for preparing the dinners!). I always learn so much from Aug and Sarah as I see them seek to love God and others despite their busy schedules.
  8. I’m thankful for my close friends – that we can do life together. As I get older, I value having fewer godly friends who will keep me accountable over having so many friends, but not really knowing any of them.  
  9. I am thankful for my job. I’ve just learned about teaching and facilitating group study sessions (as well as genetics). It was really difficult my first semester, but now that this is my third semester, I am more comfortable with it and it has been good so far this semester!
  10. I’m thankful for all that I’ve learned about typography this past year! It’s hard to believe that I got interested in it around this time last year. I learned so much since then and I hope to learn more in the future.
  11. I’m thankful for my camera and my lenses. It’s almost four years since I got my DLSR. Although some of the rubber grips are falling out now, it has served me well for the last four years! I am thankful that this is a way that I can serve others and the church.
  12. I am thankful for Jesus - for the hope that is found in Him and through Him. I am thankful that His love is unconditional and His promises never fail.
  13. Sunday soccer! It's not only my source of exercise once a week, but it's also been a great time having fellowship with people.
  14. Media team (I feel like I'm stealing this prayer topic from the youth group kids, but I really am thankful for it). I'm thankful for the opportunity to guide and teach these girls in something that I am passionate about! I pray that each person may develop their talents and creativity and use it to further God's Kingdom.


  1. aw i loved your topics! I feel like I learned so much about you through this post haha. I'm glad you're receiving grace through so many different mediums.

  2. Been slumping into ungratefulness but every time, I read about a thankful heart, Just about then I realized how far the Lord has brought me. I am thankful for what you teach me be thankful in Christ Jesus. Very inspiring list...I am off to work on mine.

