Friday, July 22, 2016

SBC 2016 Testimony

Genesis 12:1-9
Last night Dr. Bill Pottenger gave the message on Genesis 12:1-9 titled “You Will Be a Blessing.” At the age of 75, God called Abram and his family. “The Lord had said to Abram, ‘Go from your country, your people and your father’s household to the land I will show you.’ ‘I will make you into a great nation, and I will bless you; I will make your name great, and you will be a blessing. I will bless those who bless you, and whoever curses you I will curse; and all peoples on earth will be blessed through you.’” So Abraham obeyed and left everything that was familiar and comfortable to him. He left his country, his people, and his father’s household. By Abram’s actions, we can see that he truly believed God’s promises. Without hesitation, he took his family and left. I have lived in my father’s household for most of my life. Last summer, I spent two months in Uganda, away from my family and friends. I missed my family, my mom’s cookings, and the comforts of living in America. However I could still talk to them via kakaotalk or just chat with them online. But Abram left everything he knew at the age of 75 with his wife Sarai, his nephew Lot, and with all the possessions they accumulated and the people they had acquired in Harran. He turned away from what was evil and turned toward what God had promised him. I really admire Abraham’s life of faith. Yes, we know clearly the mistakes Abraham had made. He failed to trust God in his promises of giving him a son and tried to force it by having his servant conceive a son for him. Though Abram made mistakes later in life, I admire Abram’s faith and obedience throughout his life - especially when God asked Abraham to sacrifice his son Isaac. Despite not knowing what God had for him in the future, Abram believed what God had promised him and he obeyed. There is no in between when God calls you to leave. You either stay where you are, or you go. Another point in Dr. Bill’s message I found interesting was that God revealed to Abraham what he was going to do long before Jesus came on this earth. Abraham knew that Jesus was coming. I want to have the type of faith that Abraham had - that when God speaks, I believe and I trust that God is faithful to do what he has promised to do.

Right now I am twenty-one years old. I have many dreams and visions God has revealed for my future. However, sometimes I fail to trust God and worry about the future. I will be graduating college next semester and I will be applying to medical schools next application cycle. However, even if I live to be 100 years old, this is nothing in comparison to the eternal life we will live. It’s hard to fathom the city we will be living in and it’s hard to believe that this will be our reality. As God called Abram, He called me. He calls me to follow Him and to make Him known. But I realized that the plans God has for my life are not just for me, but for others. God revealed to Abraham a plan that was greater than just for his life. God had a plan and promise for his offspring and descendants as well. But because of the great plan God had for Abraham, there were a lot of things he went through that must not have made sense at a time. God promised Abraham a son, but Sarah could not conceive. It must have been discouraging at times, but it was because God had a plan that was greater than just for his life. In the same way, God has a plan that is greater than just for my life. It is His heart and desire for all to know Him and join His family. I pray that my desire is to live with eternity in mind and not to get too caught up in the world we live in. Even though we may suffer or be uncomfortable for a little while in this world, it will be worth it when we arrive in eternity.

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