Monday, December 24, 2012

last two weeks

This post will talk about occurrences from the last two weeks or so through words and pictures:
  • I am so thankful for surviving last week. At points I didn't think I could get through the week. I just wanted to stay at home and sleep, but thankfully God gave me the strength to get through my test and essay!
  • I didn't mention this, but this is what my friends gave me for my birthday. My friend, Kristen, made me a photo book and Preethi gave me an ice cream cake and a frame.

  • The tripod came in the mail today! Story of the tripod. I really wanted a tripod for a while and I was looking at them and they were really expensive. I didn't even know there were all kinds of tripods. I decided on a one I wanted. It looked better than other ones but then it was a little bit more expensive. So then I prayed - God could you bring the price down? Then I didn't look at tripods for a week or so and then as I was asking my dad something, I decided to ask him to buy the tripod. Then I saw that it was like two dollars cheaper. I was like okay at least it went down a little bit, haha. Then shipping was so expensive at $13.99. Before we were about to buy it, I noticed that amazon was selling the same exact tripod but for $9 cheaper and there was free shipping. So we saved $23! Praise God for answering my prayer! I am so excited for this tripod but now I have so much more to learn. (:

  • A few weeks ago I was asking God how I should live and I felt like he was telling me to flip to December 15 in the devotional book even though it was earlier than that. The verse for that day was "He has shown you, O man, what is good ; and what does the Lord require of you but to do justly, to love mercy, and to walk humbly with your God?" (Micah 6:8). I didn't realize that it was in Micah and that week I was reading Micah and this verse popped out.
  • I recently watched a message by Pastor Stephen Chandler and in the message, Pastor Stephen talked about how we have windows of opportunities in our lives. God doesn't give us all the time in the world  to accomplish some things in our lives. We have seasons in life and certain things can only be accomplished in certain seasons. After I heard that, I've been realizing more and more now that there's windows of opportunities in my life. When I look back on my in my high school years, I see how I interact with different people every year (well, except for very few people). Carpe diem! It makes me want to do my best to have somewhat of an influence to the people around me while I have this opportunity. Maybe the little I do can actually impact someone's life. (:
  • After our TLC leaders meeting Friday we went to eat dinner at a Mongolian place called Bang Bang. You basically just picked whatever you wanted and they fried it up for you. 

  • We went to see the lights at the National Zoo yesterday! More pictures will be up on facebook, but it was hard to take pictures because it was dark.

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful post! Very emotional) prompted me to remember a wonderful evening in staekhouse) I rememberd this soup -

