Friday, April 26, 2013


I am a planner.

I like to make "to-do" lists that lists my homework so I can cross them off as I do them. It's also so that I can plan how I'm going to allot my time throughout my evening. However, I felt that God was calling me to follow his lead today.

Yesterday's devotional said:
"Rest in the stillness of My Presence while I prepare you for this day. Let the radiance of My Glory shine upon you as you wait on Me in confident trust. Be still, and know that I am God. There is both a passive and an active side to trusting Me. As you rest in My Presence, focusing on Me, I quietly build bonds of trust between us. When you respond to the circumstances of your life with affirmations of trust you actively participate in this process.

I am with you, so you have no reason to be afraid. Your fear often manifests itself in excessive planning. Your mind is so accustomed to this pattern of thinking that you are only now becoming aware of how pervasive it is and how much it hinders your intimacy with Me. Repent of this tendency and resist it whenever you realize you are wandering down this well-worn path. Return to My Presence, which always awaits you in the present moment. I accept you back with no condemnation."

And today, a part of it is:
"Make me your focal point as you move through this day. Just as the spinning ballerina must keep returning her eyes to a given point to maintain her balance, so you must keep returning your focus to Me."

Today in all was really random and I had to try my best to focus my eyes on God.

And then out of no where someone asks me to prom. And of course I'm so awkward, but it was partly due to being so shocked, haha.

Caleb: Will you go to prom with me?
Me: Uhh uhhh uhhh...

I guess I'm going to prom!

Today I learned that life is unexpected.

As I reflect on my years of high school, I am so thankful that God always provided. He taught me so much about himself through various struggles along with good times. If God had told me all the things I would be doing senior year, I would not have believed him. I would have never imagined that I would actually have a DSLR or that I would become good friends with the people I know now! I'm definitely going to miss all these great friends as I go into college, but it's okay. God has given me these four great years and I know he has another great four years of my life ahead planned for me. Although college is much more unexpected than high school, I know that God's going to be with me through it all! I often put God is a box, limiting to how he can work, but God can do anything!

One prayer topic that I have for college (if you guys want to pray for me) is that I will have really good friends who are strongly rooted in Jesus. (:

I can't expect my next four years to be like anybody else's college experience, although I am going to University of Maryland along with some hundred other peers from Roosevelt.

Time to be excited for what God has in store for our lives!

1 comment:

  1. Grace, Since i'm your sis i know your going to forgive me but I told my friends I had big news and then I told only Stefanie that somebody asked my sister to prom. :))

