Monday, February 1, 2016

we never arrive

Last semester, I came across an article titled Building a Healthy Worship Culture by Hillsong. Although it's a relatively short article, I thought these words were really powerful so I thought I would share them with you! The ten advices on how to build a healthy worship culture that were listed are the following:
  1. It's all about example
  2. Don't lose sight of the "why"
  3. Remember it's an honor!
  4. Stay in the Word
  5. Pray
  6. Don't do it alone
  7. Empower others to carry the culture
  8. Trust in God! (Not in yourself)
  9. Encourage
  10. We never arrive
The ones that stuck out to me were #7 and #10 (as you could probably tell from the title and photo above). Even though I read this article months ago, the words "we never arrive" resonated deeply within me. At a first glance, it seems pessimistic, negative, or even harsh. However, the more I think about it, it's true. Until we arrive in heaven in our heavenly bodies, we will always struggle with our shortcomings and weaknesses. On this earth, "we never arrive." We will never have it all together here on earth, but there is hope that we will finally "arrive" when we go to heaven. Perhaps these words touched me deeply because I have tried for so long to be perfect. But the more I tried, the more I failed. No matter how hard I try, I will never "reach" being the perfect sister, daughter, student, friend, etc. When I look at how much I have learned in photography and typography (I can't believe it's already been a year!), I am humbled and amazed by how far God has brought me. But I also see how much more that I have yet to learn. Moreover, I have learned so much biology and chemistry as an undergrad, but the more I learn, the more I realize how much I don't know - how much is unknown about how the body functions and regulates (and I marvel at God's creation - how he created us with so many intricate details that work harmoniously together). For the last two and a half years, I have had glimpses here and there what it means to be a good doctor. I want to keep learning what it means to be a good doctor to eventually be one. Although it's frustrating that "we never arrive," at the same time, it's reassuring. It's not an excuse to give up or stop trying, but it's okay to be in between. It's okay to struggle. It's okay to not have it all together. It's okay that I'm not there yet. But most importantly, we never arrive in our relationships with others and with God. We must continually to set aside time and effort to love God and others. Although I easily get frustrated when all I see is my own shortcomings and weaknesses, I rest in Jesus' perfection. I have many dreams, but I lay it down before God and I rest in His grace. I will choose to rest in His sovereignty and in His perfect timing.

Also, I took the spiritual gifts test today and I thought it was interesting! If you're interested, you can take it here


  1. Encouraging post! I think everyone struggles in some way of trying to reach perfection but what a good reminder that we are still somewhere in between =)

  2. Encouraging post! I think everyone struggles in some way of trying to reach perfection but what a good reminder that we are still somewhere in between =)

  3. Thank you so much for your post, Grace! I think it is very timely and informative. One co-worker always encourages me with "We never arrive." but I didn't know where he got that from. Now I want to read the Hillsong article. Thank you for also sharing the Spiritual Gifts Test. It was very introspective. Also, speaking of desiring to be the perfect _______, I was just talking with my dad and I realized that we have many projects in life and we are never done with any of them. There will always be house projects, work projects, relationship projects. We are constantly working at bettering each of these. I think this is how Jesus wants us to grow as he molds us to be good stewards of each. This has been my recent struggle and I appreciate how you shared your perspective on the points that lead toward developing a healthy worship culture.

