Friday, November 23, 2012

Knowing My Place

I turned on the radio this morning and after being confused for a moment, I was like ohh yeah it's the day after Thanksgiving. Christmas music!

Today my sister came to me and told me: "Grace, look at my 3D glasses!" haha. 

I started reading Crazy Love by Francis Chan a few days ago and it keeps teaching and reminding me who God is. Then consequently it reminds me who I am. My life is so short and temporary but God is eternal. There are so many aspects of God that I will never completely know who he is on this earth and yet there's a point when life becomes a routine that I forget. God is millions of times bigger than the box I often place him in. God is the God who created the heavens and the earth. He knows all things and He created me. This God who created this vast universe that keeps expanding chose to create me and "I am fearfully and wonderfully made" (Psalm 139:14). The more I think about how great God is, I can't stop praising God. If nothing ever good ever happens in my life, God's greatness should be enough that God deserves all my praise throughout my whole life. I am so thankful that the God of the universe chose to create me and chooses to have a relationship with me. I don't deserve all of this at all, yet he continues to pour out His blessings upon me. God deserves all the glory. In the Bible it says God hates the proud. I was thinking about it. Why is it that it's unattractive when someone has so much pride in himself or herself? Then I realized that God rightfully deserves all the glory*. When someone is proud, he has confidence in himself. On the other hand, when someone is humble, he has confidence in God. The greatest example we can see is in Jesus. However it doesn't mean I can just say "I got rid of all my pride. I'm just humble now!" It's always going to be a work in progress, but I need to strive to continue to know God more. There is an incredible amount of God that I don't know of. God has revealed a lot to me over these past years of who He is, but I should not remain complacent with what I know. It's really easy for me to get caught up in the routines of life, but God is reminding me of the promises he gave me. There's more to this life guys! So much more than all these things I worry about. Then the more I think about how great God is, I am amazed at his creativity. God created so much diversity in the species of animals and plants. There are so many different kinds of people, talents, personalities, gifts, and etc. 

Well if you didn't get anything from reading this, just remember God deserves all the glory. (:

*I don't remember where I heard this but I always remember this analogy: when you look at the Grand Canyon, what's your response? You just stand in awe of it. You're just amazed. In the same way, we should stand in awe of God. 

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