Monday, June 2, 2014

Art Class

I took an introduction to drawing class in the spring semester (ARTT110). I would definitely recommend it to anyone who wants to learn about drawing! I really wanted to show a progression of my drawings that I did over the semester. However, since I never went back to pick up my final portfolio, I'll just show you guys different drawings from the semester and what I learned from them!

Here we go:

On the second day of class, my professor told us to draw the still life he set up. Those were all the instructions he gave us. We had 2 hours and 30 minutes to draw and render the still life we saw. I finished drawing everything in an hour or so and attempted to create the shadows that I saw in the drawing. I had no idea what I was doing. I didn't even know the difference between all the pencils that I had - 2B, 4B, 6B, 2H. And this was what I drew after 2 hours and 30 minutes.
In the following classes, we did a lot of shape, mass, and shape & mass drawings as well as contour drawings. The top ones were blind contour drawings, which means I drew them without looking at the paper.
I just remember looking around at everyone during the blind contour drawings and seeing people peek down at their paper, even though they weren't supposed to, haha.
Then I learned about the importance of composition in a drawing! Before, I would draw the entire still life, but I learned that you can choose a part of the still life. I learned about the importance of the rule of thirds (it was easier to understand because I knew it from photography class). 
We drew the same still life from the first day of class in the middle of the semester. My professor wanted us to see how we were improving. By this time, we used more charcoal and were more familiar with it.
This took one whole class to draw and render. 
I really really enjoyed this class. Instead of just drawing from a clean sheet of paper, we first covered the entire paper with charcoal. Then we created the drawing by erasing.
This is when we started drawing only in pencil later in the semester. I realized that drawing with pencil takes an extremely long time and I prefer charcoal over pencil.
Although my professor didn't tend to give us a lot of instructions, I did learn a lot. I'm glad I chose to take ARTT110 even though I don't think I'll be taking any more art classes in the near future. Thanks for reading!

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