Thursday, August 16, 2012



As I thought about this word, the first thing that came up to my mind was my physical vision. My eyes allow me to see what is ahead of me and that is what you would call vision. However I would like to talk about the other type of vision—the one you can’t see. Throughout the summer God has been teaching me the importance of having a vision. Proverbs 29:18 –“Where there is no revelation, the people cast off restraint; but blessed is he who keeps the law” kept coming back to my mind from the first time I heard it. I heard M. Joshua give a message on this verse in one of the early morning prayer meeting at church. When I first heard it, I had no idea what it meant.  But as I listened to the message I learned how this verse was talking about having visions in life. I believe visions are given by God. There are real visions people have, seeing pictures and things like that, but I also believe there are visions for your future that God gives you. Through the good and the rough times, visions provide hope.

Why is this important? As the verse says – if we live without having the vision God gives us, we live careless lives. In the summer when I didn’t have any goals or things to do for a period of time, I just did whatever I want. I had no discipline. I lost my vision. As a result, I was lazy. When we lose our vision, we begin to get distracted by all these “good things” that we forget what we were created to do.
I believe having a vision from God comes from knowing God’s heart, which comes from having a relationship with Him. Before you can hold onto the visions that God has given you, you first have to trust that God has the absolute best plans for your future. Because why would you hold onto something from someone who you don’t even trust? If you don’t have a vision for your future, ask God. “Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you” (Matthew 7:7). That’s a promise and God doesn’t break his promises.

However if you do have a vision, don’t forget it. It’s so easy for me to forget the promises God has given me when some of them seem so far away, but I need to remember them. I have no idea how God’s promises are going to be fulfilled at the moment, but I’m going to trust Him as Joseph did. What would have happened if Joseph forgot the visions and dreams God had given Him when he was a child? Joseph could have lost hope while he was in prison. Not could have, probably would have. His life would have seemed hopeless and depressing. (You can read more about Joseph here:

I want to live with eternity in perspective. As the guest messenger said Saturday – “What is one hundred forty years over infinity?” According to calculus, it’s zero! Our life on earth is so short compared to eternity. So as the new school year starts, I want to focus on what matters. I need to focus on what matters -- loving people the way Christ loved me.

Hold onto the vision God has given you.

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