Saturday, June 16, 2012

Softball Tournament!

Today was our annual softball tournament. The weather was so beautiful; it was a great day to be outside.

It was  fun cheering! Even though I wasn't even playing, it was so intense watching the games. I don't know how the guys handle all the pressure, especially when they were down by five in one of the games. Phew, I would not be able to handle that. Today's games felt more chill than the other years from what I remember, but it was fun. Good job guys! Well, it was a bit disappointing to lose the last game (I wasn't even playing), but I realized that softball is more than just the tournament. The years of practice and playing with each other really showed in the games as the guys worked together. They knew they could trust each other if the ball went to a certain direction. Maybe not always, but most of the time. They hit very well and just in general played very well.

Haha, our church is always the odd-one, but I love it. We had 3 elementary schoolers, 1 middle schooler, and 6 high schoolers.

Day 6 - softball
Day 6 - Softball
This rainbow appeared during the last game. (:

I have a question for you guys: What is integrity? Or what do you think integrity is? (comment below!)

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