Wednesday, February 15, 2012

God is good all the time.

*deep sigh*
Time and time again, I have to remind myself that my future is safe in God's hands. In fact, it's in the safest place when it's all under his control. And time and time again, I have to remind myself that life isn't just about a single test -- how well I did, or how bad I did. I have to remind myself that things aren't going well because of me. It's because of God, what he's doing, not me. I have to remind myself to focus my eyes solely on God, because they like to dart back and forth to him, and to other things. I have to remember to thank God for all the amazing thing he has already done and will do in the future. I have to remind myself that his promises are foolproof -- his peace is far greater than apprehension or anxiety. I have to remember that when I'm in his arms, I'm safe. I have to remind myself that the joy of the Lord is my strength. I have to remind myself that people get tired of reading the same phrase "I have to remind myself," haha, just kidding (even though you might be annoyed). I have to come back to that place again and again, the point of surrendering everything to God. I have to remind myself that life isn't all about school -- it's not about having the best GPA (though I need to do my best) or the highest SAT scores. My worth is not determined by how well I do in school. It's only determined by how God views me.

Jesus, you are so good. You are good, all the time. I think right now, I'm learning to trust you through the good and the bad because your ways are the best. Though I may not feel adequate for certain things that I am in position of, you use me. It always reminds me that day in Mexico. I remember feeling kind of sick that one morning -- I was tired, weak, and not in the best mood, but that day was the day you used us to heal that woman. Jesus, you use me in my weakest moments to do great things to show me that it's not me, but you, who is in control of everything. I thank you that you are able to use me in circumstances like that. I thank you that you are in control of everything. I thank you for the peace and love you give me throughout the day. Ah, yesterday, I kept thinking of praise songs throughout the day and it was amazing. I was able to sing to myself (in my head) throughout the hallways and it reminded me of the prophecy over me from Grace Retreat. Jesus, you said you would be with me through the hallways of school and you are. I thank you that you like to listen to what I have to say. You're always willing to listen when no one else is. (:

Today we shared testimonies in TLC today. (:
I believe that sharing testimonies is very important -- it encourages others, it reminds you of the things God has done for you, and there's so more.

Random -- I thought about this the other day, and I realized something. I love the diversity within a church, a congregation of Christians. There may be people completely different in interests and personalities, but they are bound together by at least one thing. Jesus. And I find that amazing. I find people who are totally different from me that I would have never talked to because we're so different. For example, if you think of my two closest friends, they are completely different from me, haha. It kind of makes me wonder how and why we're friends sometimes. (:

oh, and I changed the picture on top of my blog. Did you notice? haha, but it feels weird not looking at mums. 

I am excited for the retreat this weeeekennndddd! I think it's perfect and amazing the way I don't have any serious tests or homework I have to do this weekend. God's timing is always perfect.

It feels good to surrender everything to God!

oh, one more thing I want to say, ahhaa. Jesus is the epitome of living the faith. I just really wanted to use the sound so cool.

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