Sunday, May 20, 2012


I want to make a t-shirt like this, but I don't have a t-shirt at the moment to write on. I think it would look good with white paint on a black t-shirt. This is just an idea at the moment. I just drew it on a post-it (post-its are amazing) and took a picture of it. Then I made the shirt white on photoshop elements (just explaining the process). John the Baptist was such a cool guy (random sidenote). 

Random t-shirt tip: If you're going to write on the shirt, start writing above the armpit area, but not to close to the collar. Once I wrote below the line and it ended up looking weird. So then I had to add a heart on top. 

Change. I changed the layout of my blog! I think it looks more spring-like.

I loved the weather this weekend! It was so beautiful. It was sunny, but there was a slight breeze that made it perfect to just sit outside. So this afternoon I sat under a shaded area, reading and writing. I recently finished Redeeming Love. At first, I was like "okay, this book isn't great as everyone says it is" but as the story progressed, I became to like it even more! I really like Michael Hosea and Miriam. It really showed me the parallel between the relationship between God and us. No matter how many times I fall away, God is there patiently, waiting for me. Even though it pains him so much, he is amazingly patient. Miriam was so honest and straightforward. She was such a great friend and loved Paul despite his stubbornness. 

As the end of the year approaches, I hit a lazy mode. My brain starts shutting down. It's like I can't think about school-related subjects anymore no matter how hard I try. If I can think, it's really slow and I take forever doing work, but surprisingly once I go back to school, I pick it up pretty fast once again. I believe that you have to rest in the summer. I don't see how people can study and do all these extra educational things in the summer. I have to rest in the summer to be able to study hard again in the fall! After the AP exams, I started feeling the effects of all those weeks. I was mentally, physically, and spiritually exhausted. I hit like an apathetic mode, but I had to fight so hard against that. I cannot be apathetic. That's one bad thing about not having much to do after climbing a mountain. Whenever I finish something big, such as finishing my AP tests, I just stop thinking, which is really bad. After having to lean on God for every single thing, I think -- "oh, I can do things by myself now," which I advise you, is not the mentality to have. We must constantly rely on God for everything - through the good and bad times. 

I've been thinking about photography. What's the purpose of me taking pictures? Why do I do it? Well, I like it, but I think it's more than that. I want to glorify God through everything I do, even through the pictures I take. These images allow others to see the world in another perspective - my perspective (being short adds to a more unique perspective, haha). I want to show people how beautiful God's creations are - people, flowers, bees, nature, just everything! I'm slowly learning more and more about photography and I hope to glorify God through it. It should all point back to Him. 

