Saturday, May 12, 2012


Lately I don't even know what's happening. I still can't believe it's May. I can't believe I'm going to be a senior. There's much more responsibilities. Well, I'm so glad that two of my AP classes are practically over. I think the biggest test is definitely the first AP test. Taking government last year felt so much more official. Now, I'm like it's just another test because there's been so many tests this year. It's another test. It's just like a final. After the AP Chem test, we chilled and made lollipops Friday! (: I made mine into a heart. It tasted just like sugar because that's basically the ingredient. Sugar, sugar, and water.

I kind of just went by this week.

Violin test today! I messed up, but I always mess up, so other than that it was good. When I was a freshman, I always wondered why people quit playing the violin but now I'm starting to understand them. I'm not planning on quitting, but often times, there's other higher priorities in life.

I need to focus more on God. I need to care more. Can't stop caring. Can't give up.

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