Saturday, May 26, 2012


Yesterday was Roosevelt's prom! I went with Hannah to her friend's house and took pictures. Well, they had a professional photographer so there was really no reason for me to be there, but it was a good experience! I learned a lot from just watching the guy take pictures of the people. I realized that to take portraits, I need to be able to tell people how to pose and how to stand. I'm so used to my friends posing however they want, but not all people can do that. Prom - you don't get to see everyone all dressed up often. I think prom consumes some people but at the same time, it's nice to see everyone dressed up.

Having fun - I realized that it all depends on the people you hang out with. What you do is important, but it's not everything. When I'm hanging out with my closest friends, we can do nothing but have fun. But if I'm hanging around with boring people, no matter what I do, it'll be boring. Attitude is everything.

This past week, I also learned that I actually really like taking pictures of babies and kids. I love catching them smile. It's also really interesting watching kids play. They're so innocent, honest, and funny. Sometimes I just watch kids play on Sunday, haha. They're so cute!

Four day weekend. It's getting harder to focus on school and it's getting hard to finish strong. SAT subject tests this Saturday and I have to convince myself to care. Everything I do should revolve around Jesus. I'm going to do my best for God's glory.

Oh, and I made a facebook page, haha. .

There's just so much to update on and so much I can write about. There's so much I need to learn about. But no matter what I do, I need to remember it's all about Jesus. I can't take my eyes off of him. If I do, everything will crumble, but when I surrender everything to him, he'll make everything beautiful. So much I can learn from Ruth in the Bible!

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